Dementia Web - Dementia Information Resource for Oxfordshire

DementiaWeb - Dementia Information Resource for Oxfordshire

Getting About

Getting Out and About

Living with dementia can bring a variety of challenges when it comes to getting out and about. This page deals with practical issues such as driving, community transport services, mobility, and disabled parking and toilets. However, if the challenge you face is actually having the chance to go out, please see our Getting a Break section.

Transport to Day Services

Local Authorities have a duty (under Section 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970), to provide social services transport for adults to day services.

Requests for individual transport arrangements must in the first instance be made to a Social & Community Services Care Manager or Social Worker who will assess the need and make a request for the service to be provided.


Being given a diagnosis of dementia does not automatically exclude you from driving, however there is a legal obligation to inform the DVLA of the diagnosis. The car insurance company must also be informed immediately.

Our Driving and Dementia page has more detailed information.

Blue Badge Scheme

This is managed by local authority departments. A disabled person can apply for a badge so that you can park in the special disabled parking spaces. Disabled people displaying the Blue Badge (used to be orange badge) may park for free in any of the on-street parking spaces, but standard charges will apply in the off-street car parks.

Apply by contacting:

Liz Cundy
Oxfordshire County Council (Social Services)
P.O. Box 221

Tel.: 01865 854409
Fax: 01865 841666

Disabled Parking

Oxford City Centre

Westgate Multi-Storey: places available on level 4 adjacent to the shopping centre.

On street Pay and Display Parking Bays

Disabled badge holders are able to park for unlimited periods in on-street Pay and Display (without charge) and residents' parking spaces. Parking is usually permitted for up to 3 hours on single or double yellow lines, but some restrictions do apply (i.e. loading areas, etc). Please refer to guidance issued with Blue Badge for details of restrictions.

Park and Ride / Accessible Buses

Parking places are available adjacent to bus stops. There are five park and ride areas for Oxford City:

  1. Pear Tree Roundabout (to the North off A34)
  2. Water Eaton (Oxford side of Kidlington)
  3. Thornhill (to the East off A40 towards London)
  4. Redbridge (to the South off A4142)
  5. Botley Interchange, Seacourt (to the West off A34)

Contact Oxford Bus Company's Park and Ride service for timetables and prices on 01865 785400 (8.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday; 8.00am to 3.30pm, Saturday).

All Park and Ride buses have the wheelchair accessible 'kneeling step' with fold-down ramp. As do:

  • Service 5 Cowley / Blackbird Leys
  • Service 13 John Radcliffe Hospital / Marston
  • Service 15 Woodfarm / Churchill Hospital

Some other services have 'kneeling' buses but without ramp. Many have new low-floor access.

Contact details:

Oxford Bus Company
Tel.: 01865 785400

Stagecoach Oxfordshire
Tel.: 01865 772250

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Disabled Facilities at Railway Stations

The railway stations at Oxford and Banbury are both fully accessible, with accessible WC and lifts. However passengers with disabilities are advised to pre-arrange their journey to ensure that the passenger support is available to them.

National Rail Enquiries Tel.: 08457 48 49 50

Public Transport Concessions

Bus Passes

The council offers free half-fare bus passes to people over 60 years of age, the disabled, and necessary travel companions for the disabled.

Travel Tokens

The council offers a travel token scheme as an alternative to the bus pass. The value of the travel tokens will be £20.00 per person per year. National Transport Tokens will be used from 1st April 2003 and have a value of 50p or £1 each and may be used on local journeys by bus, train, taxi or on voluntary schemes. (Not all taxi firms are included, ring first to verify.)

Apply to Oxford City Council at:
St Aldates Chambers
City Council
St Aldates
Tel.: 01865 252646
Email: [email protected]

Apply to Cherwell at:
Cherwell District Council
Bodicote House
PO Box 27 Bodicote
OX15 4AA
Tel.: 01295 252535 (ext. 1983)

Apply to South Oxfordshire at:
Peter Jarmaine
Leisure & Countryside
Council Offices
Crowmarsh Gifford
OX10 8QX
Tel.: 01491 823413

Apply to The Vale of White Horse at:
District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE
Tel.: 01235 520202

Apply to West Oxfordshire at:
West Oxfordshire District Council
26 Church Green
OX28 4AU
Tel.: 01993 702941

Although they all require proof of your registration as disabled or blind and of residence, each local council scheme may differ in its provision. You will need a letter from your GP with your address stating your visual impairment or nature of your disability, your Attendance Allowance or DLA book, your registration card, official Oxfordshire Association of the Blind ID card, or your blue-parking badge.


Ring-a-ride is a local minibus service for people who are unable to use ordinary buses. You may go anywhere in the following local areas:
Blackbird Leys, Cowley, Iffley, Jordan Hills, Marston, City Centre, Sandhill and

Ring-a-ride can be used for journeys to work, further education, social activities and you may also take a friend. The service is not available for hospital appointments or day care as Social Services or the Ambulance service will do this.

Operating times:
8.00am to 6.30pm, Monday to Friday
9.00am to 5.30pm, Saturday

Cost (escorts pay the same):
20p single journey
40p return journey

If you live outside the City boundary, the cost is between £1 and £2, but your escort will travel free.

Bookings can be taken up to 7 days in advance.
Tel.: 01865 744478

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Oxford ShopMobility

ShopMobility is a scheme which lends self-propelled or battery operated wheelchairs or scooters to travel in the city centre. It is necessary to become a member. You will be asked to provide a document which has your name and address on and fill in a short form. This service is free of charge and you will be given a membership number, which you will need to quote when booking in the future. Booking recommended. If your visit to Oxford is not pre-planned, it may still be possible to use the scheme.

Located at level 1a of the Westgate Shopping Centre's multi-storey car park.

Oxford ShopMobility contact details:

Robin Brooks (Co-ordinator)
Oxford ShopMobility Scheme
c/o Built Environment
Ramsay House
10 St Ebbes Street

or Write to:
Level 1a
Westgate Car Park
Norfolk Street

Tel.: 01865 248737
Email: [email protected]

Opening hours:
9.30am to 4.00pm, Monday to Saturday
Last wheelchair issue at 3.00pm

Scheme also available for some late night shopping days and special occasions.

Customers unable to drive to ShopMobility may be able to use the ring-a-ride service. (See above for details).

Banbury ShopMobility

Banbury ShopMobility contact details:

Castle Quay ShopMobility
Marsden Mobility
South Car Park
Castle Quay Shopping Centre
OX16 5UN
Tel.: 01295 252722

Cowley ShopMobility

Cowley ShopMobility contact details:

ShopMobility (Templars Square).
129 Pound Lane
Templars Square
Tel.: 01865 748867

Cowley ShopMobility loans electric and manual wheelchairs and scooters free of charge to enable people to do their shopping. It is advisable to book.

Bicester ShopMobility

Bicester's ShopMobility scheme helps people of any age who need a wheelchair, scooter, or powerchair to access shops, friends, or surgeries in Bicester.

Parking within 40m, parking for blue badge holders. People can also arrive by Dial-a-Ride service. Accessible toilet facilities.

Bicester ShopMobility contact details:

Elizabeth Addley
Crown Walk
OX26 6HY

9.00am to 4.30pm, Monday to Saturday

Tel.: 01869 320132
Fax: 0870 1303494
Minicom: 01869 245937
Email: [email protected]

Witney ShopMobility

Witney’s ShopMobility scheme offers manual or powered wheelchairs or powered scooters. You do not have to be a blue badge holder to take advantage of the shopmobility scheme.

Witney ShopMobility contact details:

Location: In the Langdale building
Open: 9.30am to 4.00pm, Monday and Thursday

Tel.: 01993 864787
Email: [email protected]

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The RADAR (Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation) Key scheme is a nationally recognised scheme (supported by Oxford City Council), that provides access to public convenience services via a key. In Oxford there are Radar keys available from:

  • Oxford Railway Station
  • Tourist Information Centre
  • The Parking & Payments Shop, 140 The High Street

Cost guide: £4.11 (returnable deposit). Registered disabled applicants may purchase at a cost of £3.50.

For further information contact Oxford Tourist Information Centre on 01865 726871.

RADAR keys can also be purchased direct from RADAR:

Contact details:

12 City Forum
250 City Road

Tel.: 020 7250 3222

Toilets in Oxford using the Radar key

  • Castle Street
  • Gloucester Green Bus Depot
  • Market Street
  • Oxpens Coach Park Speedwell Street
  • St Clements
  • Westgate Car Park level 4
  • Cowley Road
  • Barns Road
  • Bury Knowle
  • Diamond Place

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Dialability offers information on services and equipment for easier living, including mobility equipment. Free, impartial advice is given about equipment to help people live more independently. Advice can also be given on recreation, leisure, travel and holidays.

As well as a helpline open to all, Dialability also have an equipment demonstration centre, that is open to individuals to see and try products. Individual assessment can be made, by appointment, if required.

Professionals can borrow equipment, but for assessment purposes only.

Contact details:

Oxford Centre for Enablement
Windmill Road

10.00am to 4.00pm, Monday to Wednesday
1.00pm to 4.00pm, Thursday
closed Friday

Tel.: 01865 763600
Fax: 01865 764730

Contacts: Sue Butterworth and Toby Benn

British Red Cross Society

Medical equipment loan to general public, via GP or self-referral, including wheelchairs, commodes etc.

Contact details:

British Red Cross Society
Red Cross House
Colwell Drive
OX14 1AU

Open: 1.30pm to 3.45pm, Monday to Friday

Tel.: 01235 552660 / 552664
Fax: 01235 539009

Contact names: Faye Anderson and Tricia Earp

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Other Local Services

St. John Ambulance

St. John Ambulance provides an affordable transport service for any journey requiring a little extra care. Minibus and ambulance services available to any person who needs transport with more care required than a taxi or bus service. Operates 24 hours a day, all year. Bookings required.

Contact details:

St. John Ambulance
40 High Street

Tel.: 01865 378228
Fax: 01865 841792

Contact name: Mrs Karen Keene

Henley Handibus

The Henley Handibus Scheme offers transport for people of any age who have a special need (physical,mental or social) and their carers, or people who are members of an organisation, club or society.

Bus takes 11 passengers or by using tail lift, up to three wheelchair passengers plus eight passengers. There is a charge for this service of £1 per kilometre.

Contact details:

Robin Rippon
6 Elizabeth Close

Tel.: 01491 575547

Readibus Dial-a-Ride

ReadiBus aims to provide mobility and independence to people who would otherwise have great difficulty in getting out and about.

ReadiBus' main service is a telephone-booked accessible bus service called Dial-a-Ride. The service is available door-to-door across a large part of South Oxfordshire, and Central and West Berkshire. Some buses are timetabled to run at the same time each week.

Readibus Contact details:

Advance booking and information:
Tel.: 0118 931 0000, from 9:15am

On-the-day bookings and cancellations:
Tel.: 0118 931 0000, from 8:00am

Postal address:
Cradock Road

* Please note that bookings are not currently accepted by email.

Oxford Rural Community Council

The Council provides a useful page which lists transport schemes in rural communities:

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Surgery Cars / Community Transport Services

A number of villages/areas in Oxfordshire have Community Transport Schemes. Contact details for those who have supplied information for this website are listed below:

Didcot Volunteer Centre:
Driving elderly people to hospitals, doctors, hairdressers or shopping.

Mrs Pauline Purling
Didcot Volunteer Centre
Mereland Road
Rear Methodist Church
OX11 7DX

Tel.: 01235 816709
(Office open 10.00am to noon, Monday to Friday)

Dorchester Surgery Car Scheme:
Serves pensioners of Dorchester.

11 Monks Close
OX10 7JA

Tel.:01865 340090
(Ring 10.00am, Wednesday only please)

Henley Volunteer Bureau:
Hospital Transport, Shopping and Visiting for elderly and disabled people.

Peter Jones
34 Market Place

Tel.: 01491 572923
(Monday to Friday 10.15 am to noon)

Kennington Good Neighbours:
Volunteer neighbourly help group.

Barbara Boyne
82 Upper Road

Tel.: 01865 735634

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Nettlebed and District Good Neighbour Scheme:
Volunteer drivers take people from the area covered by Nettlebed surgery, to appointments at hospitals in Oxford, Reading or Henley, or the Nettlebed surgery. Volunteer drivers use their own cars, and the scheme has no special services for people with dementia.

Miss J Phillips
16 The Ridgeway

Tel.: 01491 641372
(Monday to Friday, preferably phone before 6.00pm)

Standlake Care Scheme:
All villagers are considered for help and transport.

Mrs B Edwards
c/o 8 The Glebe
OX29 7SS

Tel.: 01865 300528

Wallingford Volunteer Centre:
Provides mainly transport to hospital, dentist, optician, etc. Volunteers are not trained, therefore if more help is needed than simple assistance to get in and out of car then a carer should accompany the person using the service.

Barbara Kershaw
Tel.: 01491 836345

Wychwood Surgery Volunteer Transport Scheme:
Only available for transport to and from GP surgery for patients who are unable/cannot drive to and from surgery.

Vanessa Newman
Milton-under-Wychwood Surgery
62 High Street

Tel.: 01993 831061

If you would benefit from using a community transport or surgery car scheme, but your area or village is not listed above, it may be worth enquiring at your Doctor's surgery whether such a service is available locally.

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National Organisations

The Mobility Advice and Vehicle Information Service

This service has now closed. For information, advice or an assessment please contact the Forum of Mobility Centres.  Either call the Forum National Enquiry Line on 0800 559 3636 or click on the link to their website

The Disabled Drivers Association

Information and problem solving service, including advice on equipment, law, benefits, driving assessment, vehicle and adaptation choices. Quarterly publication for members, detailing campaigns, concessions and activities.

Contact details:

Disabled Drivers Association
National Headquarters & Registered Office
Norwich NR16 1EX

Tel.: 0870 770 3333
Fax: 01508 488 173

Email: [email protected]

Door to Door: a travel guide for disabled people

Door to Door has been developed to give disabled people information about transport and advice about travelling using all forms of transport.

Back to Top : funded and managed by Guideposts with support from the Big Lottery Fund