Dementia Web - Dementia Information Resource for Oxfordshire

DementiaWeb - Dementia Information Resource for Oxfordshire

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

Mental Capacity Act for England and Wales 2005

If someone is unable to make decisions about money, health and other matters they may need help to make these decisions or they may need to appoint someone to make decisions or take action on their behalf.  The Mental Capacity Act 2005 makes provision for people to choose someone to manage not only their finances and property should they become incapable, but also to make health and welfare decisions on their behalf.  People with no one to act for them are also able to leave instructions for their care under these provisions.

They are able to do this through a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA).  LPAs replaced Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPAs) in 2007.  Although EPAs made before this date will still be valid.  You may want to read more about the Mental Capacity Act and how it could affect you.

Making decisions about your health, welfare and finances… Who decides when you can’t?

What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) enables you to appoint one or more people who you trust to manage your affairs should this become necessary.  The role of the LPA may be to make decisions about your health and personal welfare that are in your best interests  such as;  where to live; the  provision of  day-to-day care;  medical treatment and / or  managing your financial affairs.

There are two types of LPA
1. A personal welfare LPA   can make decisions about both health and personal welfare, such as where to live, day-to-day care or having medical treatment.

2. A property and affairs LPA can make decisions about finances, such as managing a bank account, the sale of your property

Why is Making an LPA Important?

Making a Lasting Power of Attorney is very important, as it will simplify your day-to-day money management as dementia progresses, and you will avoid the more complicated and costly business of Court of Protection Receivership if no arrangements have been made.  Someone who has a diagnosis of dementia can still make a Lasting Power of Attorney, providing they have the capacity to understand the implications of this process.  A doctor’s advice should be sought if there is any doubt about this.  For further information see:
Making decisions - A guide for family, friend and other unpaid carers

Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA)

Existing EPAs are valid.  Contact the Office of the Public Guardian when registering either an LPA or an EPA.

What is Court of Protection Receivership?

Receivership becomes necessary if someone who has not made a Lasting Power of Attorney becomes mentally incapable of managing their financial affairs.  Acting as a receiver for someone is more complex than acting as an attorney.  There are usually considerable costs involved in this process.

What is Appointeeship?

Appointeeship is used when certain criteria have been met:

  • A person has become mentally incapacitated
  • Their income is purely from benefits
  • They do not have an EPA or LPA

An appointee can deal with benefits claims and payments and by doing so avoid the need to assign a Receiver.  The Department of Work and Pensions must satisfy itself that the person needing the help of an Appointee is unable to manage their own affairs, for example by visiting and if necessary getting medical evidence.  The suitability of the person who has applied to act as Appointee must be also checked.
To find out about becoming an Appointee telephone the Department of Work and Pensions:

  • If the person concerned is receiving Retirement Pension or Pension Credit, contact 0845 6060265
  • If the person concerned is receiving Attendance Allowance only, contact 0845 7123456

A copy of the leaflet on Appointeeship GL21 can be ordered from either of the above numbers.

Further Information

Alzheimer’s Society has a fact sheet that gives detailed information about Enduring Power of Attorney, Lasting Power of Attorney and Receivership.  In addition the Age Concern & Help the Aged charity has produced a fact sheet which also includes information about being an appointee.

Further information and the necessary forms for LPA and receivership can be downloaded free from the Office of the Public Guardian website or contact

Office of the Public Guardian
PO BOX 15118,
B16 6GX

Customer Service Adviceline: 0845 3302900

9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday (except Wednesday)
10.00am to 5.00pm, Wednesday

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